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Liberty, Leather, Glitch Mob and…Irish Dance?

I started this blog nine months ago as a graduate student facing a thesis defense and an intimidating job search. I am grateful to say that since then, I have moved across the country and started a new life and job, which I am loving. Suffice it to say, I haven’t blogged much yet, and am hoping to change that now that I’ve settled in.

I have several drafted posts backlogged from months ago, so I plan to begin editing and posting with more frequency. For the moment, here is something entirely unrelated (maybe not?) to economics – one of my very favorite videos, below.

Another passion of mine (besides economics) is Irish Step dancing. I danced and performed for nine years with a Seattle-based ensemble company started by the laudable Susan Calhoun. I will never forget my first day with the company – September 11, 2001. Irish Step dance was my soccer as an adolescent, making me incredibly uncool. And, ironically, more self-confident. Two weeks ago, I found a local company and started it up again for the first time in six years, so the timing of this post is fitting. I couldn’t be more elated.

One of the reasons I love Irish Step dance is the music. Has anyone ever asked you – “what makes you excited to wake up in the morning?” When I hear Celtic music, I immediately get excited. When I dance to it, I feel happy to be alive. Though I appreciate the myriad ways Irish Step dance has been popularized and transformed from its traditional roots, most famously through Michael Flately’s “Riverdance”, I tend not to appreciate it being stripped of its unique characteristics. One of those is Celtic music. For the below video, however, I will make an exception, on account of its creative genius. The dancers in the video are world champs and in fact performed in Riverdance themselves.


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